Whether you’re just starting out, scaling up, or planning your exit, certain traits and characteristics can significantly influence your success. Let’s dive explore what traits will put you in good stead at each stage.


Start up phase

Your spark of genius


The startup phase is all about turning your idea into reality. It’s the most exciting and chaotic stage. Here some of the traits that can help to set you apart


Visionary thinking

It’s when you begin to see potential where others see problems.
It’s a key ingredient because it also helps you to chart a clear path on your journey and inspire others along the way.


How do you bounce back from setbacks? With even more determination, we hope!
Failure is inevitable, but it’s your resilience that’ll keep you moving forward.


Are you able to find innovative solutions to unforeseen problems?
Sparks of creativity will enable you to build a dynamic and adaptable business.


How often are you making bold decisions despite uncertainty?
This trait is essential for breakthrough moments and growth


Shows itself when you light up. You become deeply enthusiastic about your venture.
It also fuels perseverance and attracts like-minded collaborators.



Scale up phase

Your growth spurt

Scaling up is when your startup starts gaining serious traction. It’s about expanding and optimising. Here’s a few of the skills you’ll definitely need:



With a team in place, it’s inspiring and guiding them.
Effective leadership drives productivity and maintains the company culture you want.

Strategic thinking

Planning for long-term growth, keeping your eye on the bigger picture, all while managing daily operations is an art!
But it truly ensures sustainable development and avoids you falling into those scaling pitfalls.

Networking skills

How are you building and leveraging connections to open new opportunities?
When you create a strong network around you, it provides support, advice, and potential partnerships.


This is where you need to be able to quickly adjust strategies in response to market changes.
It’s needed, especially when you are trying to keep your business relevant and competitive.

Financial acumen

When you learn to manage your finances effectively you can use this skill to fuel growth.
It focuses you on building the resources to scale without running into cash flow problems.


Exit phase

Your grand finale


The exit phase is about preparing your business for sale or transition. It requires careful planning and a different set of traits:


Negotiation skills

You’ll want to be focused on securing the best possible deal for your business.

Maximising the returns of all your hard work and working towards favourable terms.


You might have to wait for the right opportunity. Don’t rush the process.

A well-timed exit can significantly enhance your outcomes.


You’ll want to consider the impact of the transition on your team and stakeholders.

How you can ensure a smooth transition and maintains morale? A key area to think about.

Attention to detail

It may not be you who prepares the documentation and financials, so you’ll depend on your team and want to build in review periods.

If you can demonstrate that you know your business inside out, it’ll quickly build buyer confidence and facilitate a speedy due diligence.


Haven’t started planning your next steps post-exit?

Make sure you flex the skill of forward vision. You’ll want to be prepared for your next steps, with an idea of what you want to do. This’ll create a smoother transition for you as you come out of your current role.



Bringing it all together


Every phase of the entrepreneurial journey demands a unique set of traits and characteristics. From the creative and resilient start up founder to the strategic and adaptable scale up leader, and finally, the patient and detail-oriented entrepreneur ready for exit.

Each stage requires growth and learning.

Success in entrepreneurship is not just about having a great idea, it’s about continuously developing these traits to meet the evolving challenges and opportunities. 


So, whether you’re just starting out or planning your grand exit, embrace the journey, invest in your personal development, and as you grow you’ll be able to watch your entrepreneurial dreams come to life.